Old Resident of This Locality Passes Away – Mr. Englebrecht Johnson passed away at the home of his son, Nels J. Johnson, Sunday January 13th, 1931 at 7:30 p.m. at the age of 81 years, 1 month and 20 days, after a lingering illness of three months.
He was born November 28, 1849 near Hausegund, Norway. He was baptized December 23rd of the same year. He was instructed in the Lutheran faith and confirmed October 2, 1864. Mr. Johnson was united in marriage to Gurine Vikings’ daughter on January 15, 1875. To this union were born eight children. Seven are living and one preceded his parents in death, passing away at the age of eight years.
He leaves to mourn his death his wife, Mrs. Gurine Johnson and seven children, Mr. Nels J. Johnson of Logan, Howard County, Mrs. J. P. Jensen of Minneapolis, Minn., Mrs. Andrew Vang of Wolbach, Nebr., Mr. Bert O. Johnson of Swift Current, Canada; Mrs. M. Paulson of Glendale, California; Mr. Geo. Johnson of Leavenworth, Kansas, and Mrs. Marie Carr of Omaha, Nebr., and also twenty-seven grandchildren.
The occupation of Mr. Johnson was that of a sailor, which vocation he followed until the spring of 1903 when he with his wife and two youngest children immigrated to America. The other children had come to this country before their parents. He made his home with his son Nels for two years, after which he took up farming in Howard county until the year 1919, when he and his wife moved to Wolbach. Here they lived until their health failed them when they moved back to the home of their son Nels in August 1930. Here he made his home until the time of his death.
Mr. Johnson was converted at the age of 37. His life was a struggle as it was no easy matter for a sailor to live a Christian life. His confession was that he was a great sinner saved by grace and his only hope was Jesus. He longed for the time when he could go to his home above. May God bless his memory! Burial took place Wednesday afternoon, January 21st, from St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in North Logan. Pastor S. S. Kaldahl had charge of the funeral services. He was laid to rest on the North Logan cemetery.
Wolbach Messenger, Wolbach, Nebraska, Thursday, January 22, 1931