Gurine Svendson Johnson


Death Angel Calls Mrs. Johnson – Mrs. Englebrecht Johnson passed away quietly at the home of her son, Mr. Nels Johnson, Thursday afternoon, September 6th, 1934 at 4 p.m. after a short illness which left her in a tired weakened condition. She reached the high age of 72 years (sic), 2 months and 3 days. 

Mrs. Johnson’s maiden name was Gurine Viking Svendson or Viking’s Daughter as was the usual way of naming at her birth. She was born July 23, 1852 at Sandnes, Norway. She was baptized and instructed in the Lutheran faith in her father-land. Her home was a Christian home and it was her early desire due to home influence to live a Christian life. 

She was united in marriage to Mr. Johnson, January 15, 1875. To this union were born eight children. One preceded the parents in death, passing away at the age of eight years. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson came to America in 1903 making their home with their son Nels, who together with some of the other children had come to America before their parents. They made their home with their son Nels the first two years after which they moved on a farm in Howard County. 

Here they lived until 1919 when they moved to Wolbach. They lived in Wolbach until 1930, when health failed them and they again moved into the home of their son Nels. Here Mr. Johnson was privileged to live only a few months, passing away during the month of January 1931. 

Mrs. Johnson leaves to mourn her death seven children, Mr. Nels J. Johnson of Logan, Howard county, Mrs. J. P. Jensen of Minneapolis, Minn., Mrs. Andrew Vang of Wolbach, Nebr., Mr. Bert C. Johnson of Swift-Current, Canada, Mrs. M. Paulsen of Eagle Rock, Calif., Mr. Geo. Johnson of Veterans Camp at Valentine, Nebr., and Mrs. Merle Carr of Omaha, Nebr., 27 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren and one brother, Mr. Swen Williamson of Dannebrog, Nebr., and one sister Mrs. E. S. Larson of Arlington. 

"May God bless her memory and may the peace which is hers be ours, Peace, to soothe our bitter woes, God to Christ on us bestows. Jesus bought our peace with God with His Holy, precious blood; Peace in Him for sinners found, Is the gospel’s joyful sound. Peace to us the church doth tell, Tis her welcome and farewell. Peace as our baptismal dower, Peace shall bless our dying hour. Peace be with you, full and free, Now and through eternity." 

The funeral services were conducted at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church at North Logan. The Rev. S. S. Kaldahl officiated. Burial was in the cemetery by the church. The sympathy of friends is extended to the bereaved family. Card of Thanks – We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all who rendered aid and expressed sympathy during the illness and death of our dear mother and sister, also for the beautiful flowers, music and songs, and for the consoling words and prayer by Rev. Kaldahl and Rev. Feldman. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vang, Mrs. J. P. Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Bert O. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Paulsen, Mrs. Merle Carr, Mr. George O. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Nels J. Johnson, Mrs. Marie Larson, Mr. Swen Williamson.

Wolbach Messenger, Wolbach, Nebraska, Thursday, September 13, 1934

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