H. GROSKURTH DIES – Succumbs to Stroke of Paralysis, Had Been Ailing Some Time – Heinrich Groskurth, an old resident of this county passed away Tuesday morning June 16, 1914 at his home about three- and one-half miles southwest of Wolbach.
Mr. Groskurth was born in Germany, June 4, 1843 and was seventy-one years and twelve days of age at the time of his death.
He leaves besides his wife, four sons and two daughters to mourn his loss. Two of the boys live in the west but are expected home to attend the last rites.
Funeral services will be held Friday June 19 from the home at 1:30 and from the Sonderup church at 2 o’clock. Interment will be made in the church cemetery. Our sympathies are extended to the bereaved ones in their hour of trouble.
Wolbach Messenger, Wolbach, Nebraska, Thursday, June 18, 1914