Ingrid Nelson Carlson

MRS. AUGUST CARLSON DIES – It was a shock to the community Sunday morning when it was learned of the death of Mrs. August Carlson, who was found dead in the morning, not knowing when during the night she had passed away. 

Mr. August Carlson preceded her in death some years ago. Funeral services were held in North Logan Church Tuesday afternoon. 

MRS. F. A. CARLSON whose maiden name was Ingrid Nelson passed peacefully away Sunday morning, Jan. 4th, at her home west of town, reaching the age of 65 years, 6 months, 2 weeks and 3 days. She was born in Sweden June 17, 1865. 

In 1886 she came to America, coming directly to Kansas, where she made her home for a year. Later she came to Nebraska where she met Frans A. Carlson and was married to him on August 10, 1888. He preceded her in death, passing away 8 years ago this last Christmas. 

To this union were born seven children, four daughters and three sons. The sons are Harry and Dave, who are at home, and Frank, living at Wood River, Nebraska. Two daughters died in infancy. The two daughters living are Mrs. Hulda Miller and Mrs. Emma Miller, both of Omaha. She also leaves five grandchildren.
She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Cecilia Anderson of St. Paul and Mrs. Annie Lindbloom of Denver, Colo., and by four brothers, Nels Nelson of Elba, John Nelson and Ole Nelson of St. Paul, and Loui Nelson of Boulder, Colo. She also has had another sister who preceded her in death, Mrs. Mary Anderson of Illinois. 

The funeral services were conducted from St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in North Logan, Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 6th. Rev. S. S. Kaldahl, pastor of the church, had charge of the funeral. 

Many old-time friends had come out to show their sympathy with the bereaved, and their final respect to an old-time friend and neighbor. Mrs. Carlson was laid to rest beside her husband on the North Logan Cemetery. May God bless her memory in the hearts of her children and many friends in the community. 

CARD OF THANKS – We wish to take this means of expressing our sincere appreciation to our neighbors and friends for their many deeds of kindness and sympathy during the brief illness and at the time of the death of our beloved mother. Harry Carlson, Dave Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carlson and Family, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Miller and Family, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Miller.

Wolbach Messenger, Wolbach, Nebraska, Thursday January 8, 1931

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