David Carlson

David Carlson Rites Tuesday – Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon for David Carlson at the McIntyre Funeral Home.  Rev. Primrose officiated.  

Burial was in the North Logan Cemetery in the family plot.
Pallbearers were Ernest Gibson, Andrew Thomsen, Archie Nelson, Carl Christensen, Ches Johnson and Harry Wohlers.

Mrs. Seth W. Oleson and Mrs. Ralph Zlomke sang, with Mrs. Herbert Falk at the piano.

Mr. Carlson died suddenly at his home at Turloc, Cal.  He moved to the west coast in 1933 from Howard County and was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Carlson, now deceased.

He is survived by two brothers Harry, at Summitville, Colo., and Frank of Palmer, two sisters, Mrs. Hulda Miller and Mrs. Emma Nilles of Omaha, also four nephews and two nieces.

Wolbach Messenger, Wolbach, Nebraska Thursday, July 30, 1942

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