OBITUARY – The angel of death has again invaded our community. This time he crossed the threshold of Rev. N. P. Sorensen and family, claimed their little daughter, Rhoda Lillian. This lovely little girl was born in Cushing, Nebraska, July 23, 1915, and passed away at the home of her parents in Wolbach, Sunday morning, June 26, 1921.
She was baptized in the Danish Lutheran church the same year she was born.
Funeral services were held in the home Monday at 2:00 p.m.; led by Rev. R. A. White, and at North Logan Church, five miles southwest of Wolbach, at 3:00 p.m., conducted by Rev. J. C. Petersen of Dannebrog, Nebraska, assisted by Rev. W. W. Rust of Wolbach. The Juvenile class of the Trinity Lutheran church sang at the house and at the church. Miss Anna Bartunek and Miss Anna Wagner sang "My Father Knows," at the house. The pall bearers were Esther Sonderup, Marie Swensen, Bertha Weed and Anna Johnson. Agnes Madsen was flower girl.
The burial was at North Logan cemetery. She leaves to mourn the loss two brothers and two sisters, besides her parents, Rev. N. P. Sorensen and wife. The stricken family have the profound sympathy of the entire community.
CARD OF THANKS – In order to reach the whole circle of our friends and neighbors we use this paper to express to you all our gratitude and most sincere thanks for your much-appreciated help and sympathy during the sickness of our children as well as at the bereavement of our little daughter, Rhoda. Thanks to the pastors especially for your understanding and comforting words. We also did appreciate so much the many and beautiful offerings of flowers that loving hands had picked for our darling’s funeral. May God bless you and continue to bless you all. Rev. and Mrs. N. P. Sorensen and children.